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7 Myths About Dental Implant Treatment.

Updated: Apr 4

Dental implants aren't just a cosmetic treatment. If you're missing teeth, implants are one of the best options to preserve your oral health. With medical advancements in the past decades, you can get your smile perfected in days! And once you have implants, they'll last a lifetime. But many people are prevented from seeking this treatment by their own misconceptions about the procedure.

7 Myths About Dental Implant Treatment, Sai Care Dental Implant & Facial Trauma Hospital
Sai Care Dental Implant & Facial Trauma Hospital

Below are some common mistakes made when considering implant.

Myth #1: Dental Implants Cost an Arm and a Leg

Reality: While the initial investment in implants is larger than many other procedures, it's unfair to compare the cost of a dental implant procedure with that of getting a dental bridge. Implants are a one-time, long-term solution to missing teeth. On the other hand, even when maintained well, bridges are efficient for just 5-15 years and need to be replaced. Over the course of your lifetime, dental implants will actually save you money by avoiding maintenance costs.


Myth #2: Dental Implants Are for Youngsters

Reality: Anyone above the age of 18 is a candidate for permanent dental implants. A study conducted by the Departments of Periodontology of two major universities evaluated the clinical and the radiographic outcomes of dental implants in elderly people. The research concluded that implants can be successfully provided to elderly patients. Age by itself doesn't prevent anyone from getting successful implants.


Myth #3: It Doesn't Matter Who Places My Implants

Reality: Not every dentist has the training to place a dental implant, and even among periodontists and oral surgeons, not all are experienced in implant surgery. For the best results, you should look for a doctor who has a history of success with the procedure. An expert like Dr.Sanjay Asnani, in Ahmednagar has received specialized training in implant placement.


Myth #4: Artificial Teeth Need a Lot of Attention

Reality: Keeping dental implants clean requires nothing more than practicing your regular dental hygiene regimen. Brush, rinse and floss your implants just like you do with your natural teeth and keep up with your dental cleaning sessions and check-ups. Unlike your natural teeth, implants are not prone to cavities or decay, but they are susceptible to wear and tear. In the initial stage, you might have a few cleaning aids by your dental specialist to keep your teeth healthy.


Myth #5: Dental Implants Are Not Always Safe

Reality: Implants are as safe as they can get and have been a part of dental treatments for over three decades now. As with any surgery, there is a risk of complications, but that risk is small. These structures are specially designed for individual patients and are made of bio-compatible materials like titanium that are easily accepted by the body. On completion of the procedure, the natural bone near the implant merges with the material. This process is known as osseointegration and adds strength to support the artificial teeth for daily use.


Myth #6: Dental Implants Are Only Used for Single Tooth Loss

Reality: Dental implants can replace a single tooth, but they aren't limited to this option. They can also be used to support bridges to replace multiple teeth, or even full dentures. After a thorough medical examination of your teeth and gums, the Dentist will recommend the implant plan most suitable for you. Based on the type of implant restoration, you can resume eating your favorite foods and get back to your normal lifestyle.


Myth #7: The Implant Procedure Might Weaken Other Healthy Teeth

Reality: Dental bridges demand additional support from the adjacent natural teeth, which can weaken them substantially. But implants don't require that support. Furthermore, tooth loss for any reason changes the biting pattern of your mouth as the adjacent teeth are forced to make up for what's missing. Stress on adjacent teeth can lead to their weakening and may cause further tooth loss. But when an artificial tooth is implanted in place of the gap, chewing becomes easy for the other natural teeth. Far from weakening the rest of your mouth, implants protect it.

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