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  • 1 hour
  • Sai Care Dental Tarakpur Road

Service Description

Root canal treatment, or endodontic therapy, is a procedure to save a tooth that is infected or severely decayed. Here's what you should know: Purpose: Root canal treatment aims to remove infected or inflamed pulp from inside the tooth. Pulp, the soft tissue with nerves and blood vessels, can become infected due to decay or injury. By cleaning and sealing the tooth's interior, the tooth can be saved from extraction. Signs You Might Need a Root Canal: Severe toothache, especially when chewing or applying pressure. Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. Swollen, tender gums near the affected tooth. Discoloration (darkening) of the tooth. Formation of a pimple-like bump on the gums near the tooth. Procedure: Diagnosis: Examination and X-rays to assess the extent of infection. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia ensures a pain-free procedure. Access: Opening made in the tooth's crown to reach the pulp chamber. Cleaning: Infected pulp is removed, and the root canals are cleaned and shaped. Filling: Gutta-percha, a rubber-like material, fills the cleaned root canals. Sealing: The tooth is sealed to prevent further infection. Restoration: A crown or filling is placed to restore function and appearance. Benefits: Saves the natural tooth, avoiding extraction and the need for replacement. Relieves pain and discomfort caused by infection or inflammation. Restores normal chewing and biting capabilities. Prevents the spread of infection to neighboring teeth and gums. Maintains the integrity of the dental arch and bone structure. Aftercare: Some sensitivity or discomfort is normal, managed with over-the-counter pain medication. Maintain oral hygiene with brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups. Avoid hard or sticky foods until the tooth is fully restored. Follow-up appointments ensure proper healing and placement of the final restoration. Success Rate: Root canal treatment has a high success rate, with many teeth lasting a lifetime. Proper care and hygiene are essential for long-term success. Alternatives: Extraction: If the tooth cannot be saved, extraction may be necessary. Dental Implant: After extraction, an implant can replace the missing tooth. Root canal treatment is a valuable option to preserve natural teeth and avoid complications of tooth loss. If experiencing tooth pain or infection symptoms, consult a dentist for evaluation and to discuss if root canal treatment is right for restoring oral health.

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